The 226th Anniversary of the 1798 Rebellion, Sunday 14th July 2024.
Assembly at the monument at 2:45pm. Wexford pikes march to the monument from Oldtown direction @3pm. Wreath laying by 98 cttee: Wexford and FOIRA. Lament by Tommy Martin piper/FingalMarch to graveyard led by; FOIRA colour party followed by St Maurs pipe band followed by Monageer pikemen followed by Fingal and FOIRA pikes. Wreath laying at graveyard @ 3:20 approx. Brief speechs/oration. Lament by Padraig Synnott piper/Wexford.
Amhrán na bFhiann by St Maurs band. March back to parish hall Ballyboughal for tea and sandwiches.
Photos from today's commemoration:
I was so proud to be a part of the commeration and to walk beside and with such wonderful people, who made it such a special day.
Yes a truly great way to remember our Falling Heroes.