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The Faces of Our Society 


Paul O'Brien, our Chairman

with some of our members


FOIRA 1916-1921 Welcomes You

Protecting and promoting the reputation of the Fingal Volunteers 1916-1921. 

The Society was formed back in 1944 and was known as the Fingal Old IRA Welfare Society. As the then name of the Society would suggest, it was founded mainly to help OLD IRA men and their families who had fallen on hard times as a result of unemployment and illness – in some cases due to hardship endured during the struggle for our National Independence which was not won without a stern fight for our freedom in the period between 1916 – 1921 throughout Fingal and at the Battle of Ashbourne. The Society also was involved in seeing that events of the struggle for Independence were suitably commemorated and, to this end, it was decided to hold a memorial mass on Easter Sunday in a different Parish in Fingal and also to hold an Annual mass and parade in Ashbourne in September, this tradition has, happily, been maintained up to this present day. In 1990 it was decided by the committee of the day to change from the Welfare to the Commemorative society and for clarity, to include 1916 – 1921 .


Protecting and Promoting the history of the Fingal Volunteers. 


Film Productions

Poster for our First Docufilm, Who Shot Sergeant Kirwan?

Who Shot Sergeant Kirwan? Docufilm

Click on poster for Film

The film is based on material taken from original witness statements, now held in the Military History Archives. These statements are made by those who took part in these events, and locals and family members who had knowledge about an event which took place in Ballyboghil, a small rural agricultural village located in Fingal, North County Dublin during the Irish War of Independence.

During Spring in 1921, talks of a truce between Britain and Ireland were in the air. Terrible months from the Autumn of 1920 had left the people hurt and bruised, yet determined to fight on to victory. Like in all such wars, life went on, an attack here, an attack there, and so it was on this Spring April day.

What happened has left lasting memories. This film shares that village story with a wider audience.

Oldtown, Co Dublin

Interview with the Director of Who Shot Sergeant Kirwan, Cathal Boland. 

Interview with Cathal Boland and Cannes Film Awards Film Festival. 

Underground Cinema Awards

Interview with Cathal Boland and Dave Byrne from Underground Cinema Film Festival Dublin

Interview with Cathal Boland and Dave Byrne at the 13th Underground Cinema Film Festival, where Who Shot Sergeant Kirwan received a Special Achievement Award. 

Contact Us

Want to get involved with FOIRA 1916-1921 ? Reach out to us and we will get back to you shortly.

+353 86 351 8927

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